6 Types of Business Consultants in Singapore

6 Types of Business Consultants in Singapore


What is a Business Consultant?

A business consultant is a person who helps business owners achieve their goals, and has various abilities acquired through education and  experience. Business consultants can also help businesses improve productivity and efficiency by providing management advice. These people research organisations, develop solutions and help businesses achieve their goals. If you are a Singapore-based business owner who requires assistance on your chosen course or a catalyst for change in your organisation, you must consider employing a certified business consultant. Business consultants in Singapore are mainly of 6 types which are discussed here.

1.  Strategy Consultant

The phrase “Strategy Consultant” refers to consultants who work at the top of the consulting industry, focusing on strategic issues such as corporate and organisational strategy, economic policy, government policy and functional strategy. As a result, strategy consultants are frequently tasked by top executives such as CEOs, directors and senior executives. Strategy consultants often have a different profile than their peers due to the nature of strategy consulting which differs from implementation and operation driven consulting. Their work description centres more around delivering advice than overseeing implementation and their focus is more on quantitative/analytical skills.

2.  Management Consultant

Management consultants, often known as business consultants or organisational advisers in practice, are consultants who focus on a wide range of organisational issues, including strategy and a number of management features. Management Consulting, is a common term used to denote any services that fall under Strategy Consulting, Operations Consulting and HR Consulting. As a result, management consultants account for more than half of all business consultants in Singapore.

3.  Operations Consultant

Operations consultants assist clients in improving the efficiency of their operations. This segment’s consulting services range from advisory services to hands-on implementation support for both primary  (e.g., sales, marketing, production, etc) and secondary (e.g. Finance, HR, Supply Chain, ICT, Legal, etc.) tasks. The main section of the advising branch is operations consultants and the majority of consultants work in one of the numerous underlying operating areas. Because operations consulting is often linked to a company’s strategy and technology, active operations consultants frequently collaborate with specialists from these fields.

4.  Financial Consultant

Consultants in the Financial Advisory segment typically concentrate on issues relating to a company’s financial skills, as well as, in many cases, its analytical capabilities. As a result, the types of consultants working in this field might range from M&A and corporate finance experts to risk management, tax restructuring and real estate consulting. Financial Advisory also includes consultants who specialise in forensic research and dispute resolution. The bulk of financial consultants work for large accounting and consulting firms or for specialised advising businesses.

5.  Human Resources Consultant

HR consultants assist clients with human capital issues within their organisations and/or improve the HR department’s effectiveness. Organisational changes, change management, terms of employment, learning and development, talent management and retirement are all major issues in HR consultants’ job descriptions. HR consultants are also hired by companies to help them reform their company’s corporate culture or its HR department, which includes changes to organisational design, processes and systems, among other things. Because HR and strategy consulting are the two smallest components of the consultancy industry, the number of consultants working in these areas is fewer than in other areas.

6.  Marketing Consultant

Marketing consultants assist firms in identifying and expanding on their brand’s strengths in order to increase brand awareness and visibility. A marketing consultant may help you improve your business’ reach, whether you need a new logo or a social media plan. A marketing consultant can help you with PPC advertising, content marketing, SEO, the value of print and television advertising and whether or not you engage in any direct response marketing options. They should be able to determine which marketing channels are the most profitable for your company to follow, as well as provide advice on how to improve conversion and customer acquisition.

Simply put, running a small or midsize firm is challenging due to the sheer quantity of responsibilities required to succeed. It’s nearly impossible for a business owner to manage everything  from bookkeeping to HR to technical support on their own. They don’t have to figure it out on their own anymore, due to the ease with which business consultants may be hired today. Choose the right type of business consultant and contact to know how a consultant might help your company succeed further.

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